Generally, the route postings stand in the foreground. There are probably too few information and above all general hints missing for people who are unfamiliar with the place. Exactly this gap will be closed with this page. The zurich running essentials:

General instructions:

First, I would like to emphasize that Zurich is one of the safest cities in the world, among many other advantages. Everyone can move freely throughout the city without fears. We have also found that joggers are somehow “invisible”. Strangely, people take less notice of you when you’re jogging.

Drinking water

Running essentials fountainWater quality is very good throughout Switzerland. This means that the water from the various fountains can be drunk without hesitation. In the very rare case that the water is not drinkable, it will be marked by a sign “Kein Trinkwasser” (No drinking water).

From here to there

Runnung essentials trainThe fastest way to get from A to B in Zurich is by bicycle. There are reasonably good cycle paths, most one-ways can be used in the opposite direction and often there are good shortcuts. Zurich is a very small city. Compared to other cities, you always reach your destination very quickly. The only downside are the hills around Zurich, which can make it a bit strenuous depending on the destination.

A free bike rental with several locations is offered by the city of Zurich itself. With Rent-a-Bike there is a chargeable alternative right next to Zurich main station. In addition, various app-based providers offer their services: PubliBike, Smide (electric bike), O-Bike, LimeBike.

If you don’t want to travel by bike, you can also use the super well-developed public transport. Almost every point in Zurich can be reached by tram, bus or suburban train. The websites of the Zurich Transport Association, the Swiss Federal Railways or Google Maps provide information about the best connections.

River Baths and Lidos

Zurich has many rivers and a lake, which can be very refreshing after a long run, especially during the summer months. Basically, you can jump into the water almost everywhere, because the waters are public. In most places there are official, supervised and therefore safer swimming facilities, some of which are free of charge. These include Flussbad Oberer Letten and Flussbad Unterer Letten. There is also a swimming facility for women only (Frauenbad) and for men only (Rimini). Chargeable Lidos include Seebad Enge, Strandbad Tiefenbrunnen or Strandbad Mythenquai. Some change to a bar in the evening and let the evening end comfortably. You can find all swimming possibilities here

Route Postings: Good to Know
Start – End

The starting point and the end of the route are chosen in a way that they can be reached as easily as possible by public transport. Of course, these are only recommendations and can be adapted as required.

Feasible for hard Trainings

Zurich is beautiful. And many routes are just as beautiful. But unfortunately, not all routes are suitable for hard training. Therefore, for those who would like to train in a structured way in between, there is a hint what this route is suitable for. “No” indicates that this route is only suitable for slow endurance runs or sightseeing runs.

Altimeter / Difficulty of the running course

A beautiful area often has the disadvantage that it contains one or the other hill. Same story in Zurich. In this respect, the routes can also include very demanding vertical meters. Below the map view you will find the corresponding elevation profile.  For each route there is a summary of the elevation profile (easy, medium, difficult).

Route Highlights

In this section you find a small but fine selection of reasons why this route should be chosen.

General / Personal information

All pictures used in this blog are taken by me. I only use the Pixel2 Phone to take pictures. I am very happy if you like my pictures and I am even more happy, if you contact me when you want to use one of my pictures!


The routes presented on are tested and run by me. If There are may be some routes recommended from friends, which I wasn’t able to test yet. Then I will write a short note in the route summary.